
Wednesday, March 18, 2020

"Goodbye, Mary Poppins, don't stay away too long."

Alright friends, three questions-
1. What is your favorite lyric in the show?
2. What do you find most difficult or weird about the breathing lessons?
3. If someone asked you this- "I know a man with a wooden leg named Smith",
   what would the correct response be?

*Answer in the comment section.

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  1. 1: All of them!!
    2: The way we sound like Darth Vader if we breath heavily
    3: Ask, “Are you Smith...? Or is the leg?”
    -Juliet Hubbard

    1. 1. in Mary Poppins???? i like the all the lyrics in feed the birds.
      2. i actually do not know. i think there is no problem in the exercises
      3. "who in the world is that!" ( no. but seriously who is smith

    2. Callie, I agree about Feed the Birds. When I was young and watched the movie, I actually thought the Feed the Birds section was a little boring and a little creepy. Feed the Birds in our production is beautiful and very moving.

  2. From Jaiden- 1. My favorite lyric in the show is the last line of Winds do Change 'The warmth has gone, they struggle on, and now six weeks have passed' because the harmonies work really well and it's a strong timeskip to progress the plot. 2. What I find the most difficult in the breathing lessons is to remember them as we preform. I always forget to do them as I perform, but I've been practicing and I'm able to do it now. 3. The answer is "What's the name of his other leg?" (Uncle Albert) :D

  3. Great answers Jaiden! I Knew you'd know the answers to the joke. :0D

  4. Ha! Darth Vader! I'd like to see you play Darth Vader some day Juliette. :0)
    But, Juliette, I want hear a specific lyric that's your favorite. As I tell my kids, "If you can't decide on one favorite, tell me one of your favorites".

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  6. Seri Jane- #1My favorite lyric in the show is Mary Poppins’s line in Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious “You know you can say it backwards which is suoicodilaipxecitsiligarfilacrepus” I like it because it adds excitement to the song and grabs poeple’s attention. #2 Same as Jaiden, I can do it and practice at home but when I rehearse, I forget and don’t do the breathing lessons so I lose my breath. #3 Haha, I didn’t get it at first but it is just incorrect grammar, it is supposed to be I know a man named Smith with a wooden leg, but the answer would be “What’s the name of his other leg?”

  7. You are a clever girl Seri Jane :0)
    Saying that suoicodilaipxecitsiligarfilacrepus "wows everybody and adds excitement to the song" make me believe that you are looking at this as a character "wows everybody" and as an actor "adds excitement to the song". Very cool.

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  9. Kenley Schlichter-
    1. In Mary Poppins, my favorite lyrics is Mary Poppins solo in Step in Time, "Childhood is a step in time parenthoods the same. Never miss a chance to get it right." because it's very positive, even though the Banks family is in a bad state. 2. The hardest thing about the breathing lesson is that it's very hard to stop raising my shoulders when about to speak on stage because I've been doing it for along time :/. 3. "What's the name of his other leg?"

    1. That's an interesting take on those lyrics Kenley. It makes me think of an old (even older than me!) 1960's song "Turn, Turn, Turn". The song says that "To everything there is a season". The idea that we'll get through this and come out the other side. Like the Banks. And, kind of like things are for us right now, huh?
      Yes, habits can be hard to break, but you'll find that it's worth it. ;0)

  10. Narae- 1. My favorite lyric in Mary Poppins Jr. is spelling supercalifragilisticexpialidocious because it sounds fun and brings excitement. 2. The most difficult part of the breathing lessons to me is that I run out of breath sometimes and it throws me of track. 3. the correct answer is "Whats the name of his other leg?"

    1. I like the spelling part of "Supercali" too. That part wasn't in the original song from the movie, but I think it's a really cool addition!
      I hear you about running out of breath. Keep practicing taking a full, deep, 360 breath and see about making sure you expel all your breath before trying to take another. But keep in mind, it's really an exploratory process. Your body needs to figure out how to do it, it takes a lot of trial and error.

  11. 1. My favorite lyric is when Mary Poppins says Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious backwards.

    2. What I struggled on the most from the breathing lessons was keeping my shoulders down and not raising them while I breath.

    3. The correct response of the question would be "Whats the name of the other leg?"

    1. Hello! I don't know who this is, but I'm really glad that you commented!
      The backwards part is amazingly fun isn't it? And Juliette delivers it so calmly and confidently that it comes off really funny. :0D
      It can be really hard to break that shoulder breathing habit. Keep working at it, don't get discouraged - it'll take time and practice. Try watching your self in the mirror and think about being relaxed and grounded.

  12. Somie Chung- My favorite lyric in the show is when Michael doesn’t believe in the measuring tape that Mary Poppins is holding in Practically Perfect because his expression when she was correct, was like “oh.. she’s actually correct..” and pushes Jane for her measurement. For the breathing lessons, I noticed that when I breath in with my mouth, my tummy goes in and if I breath in with my nose, it goes out which is very weird. For #3 I would answer, “is the person smith or the leg?”

  13. Hi Somie! Sorry it took me so long to get your comment up here- it kept getting kicked out for some reason. But I am more determined than the internet!! :0P
    I agree, that is a great moment! The writing, the dialogue, is well done. It's funny and it communicates info about the character. Antonia and Kenley handle it really, really well.
    That is a funny little detail about your breathing. X0D I'm really glad you've got it down through your nose (which is the way you want to do when possible). Try laying on your back on the floor and breathing in through your mouth. Think about your tummy rising up and your lower back expanding out toward the floor. May help. It's a weird business.

  14. Sadie Hong Response: 1. What is your favorite lyric in the show? My favorite lyric in the show is "But I feel whats to happen all happened before." (prologue) 2. What do you find most difficult or weird about the breathing lessons? The weird sounds you make. 3. If someone asked you this- "I know a man with a wooden leg named Smith",what would the correct response be? Well whats the name of his other leg?

  15. The prologue is very mysterious, isn't it? (I mean, hopefully not to US, but for the audience.) It foreshadows and hints at things that might happen in order to catch the audience's attention and invite them in. It's a powerful feeling as a performer, knowing you have something wonderful to show the audience and drawing them in with you.
    I'm very interested to know what weird sound you make while doing the the breathing exercises, I'm trying to imagine.... X0D

  16. Aram

    My favorite lyrics in the show is Lets go fly a kite

    The hardest thing about the breathing lessons is doing tsssss for a long time

    The third question I do not know???

  17. Aram, Let's Go Fly a Kite is so lovely and uplifting (pun intended). Which lyric do you like best? I like "With your feet on the ground, you're a bird in flight". I love the idea that my kite can pull me up into the sky in my imagination. Yes, holding "tsssss" is difficult, but ya know what? It'll build you core muscles, like your abdominals.

  18. 1. What is your favorite lyric in the show?

    My favorite lyric in the show is Dociousaliexpisticfragicalirupus.

    2. What do you find most difficult or weird about the breathing lessons?

    The hardest part for me is having to sing a low tsss for a long time.

    3. If someone asked you this- "I know a man with a wooden leg named Smith",
    what would the correct response be?

    At first I thought that it meant there was a man named Smith with a wooden leg, but then I realized that it meant that there was a man's wooden leg'a name was Smith. My answer would be," What is the name of the other leg?"

    1. You're a thinker Elina. Yes, what IS the name of his other leg.....
      It is hard to hold that "tssss" but keep working at it. It'll get easier and your voice'll get stronger.

  19. 1. I love most of the lyrics in the finale. Some of the lyrics I love are "If you reach for the stars all you get are the stars, but we've found a whole new spin! If you reach for the heavens you get the stars thrown in.
    2. I don't find anything much difficult about the breathing lessons. But whenever I think about breathing my lungs kinda say "Peace you can breath by yourself now!" But for me that goes with any breathing lesson. But it definitely calms me down.
    3. Well, I won't sound very smart if I get this wrong but I think it was "Which leg?" I don't quite know though.

  20. Who is "March 31, 2020 at 11:13 AM"?
    It's nice to hear that the lesson calm you. The more you do them the less abnormal they'll feel.
    That's a lovely lyric. It reminds me of this poem by Shel Silverstein -
    I've made me a moon-catchin' net,
    And I'm goin' huntin' tonight,
    I'll run along swingin' it over my head,
    And grab for that big ball of light.
    So tomorrow just look at the sky,
    And if there's no moon you can bet
    I've found what I sought and I finally caught
    The moon in my moon-catchin' net.
    But if the moon's still shinin' there,
    Look close underneath and you'll get
    A clear look at me in the sky swingin' free
    With a star in my moon-catchin' net.

  21. My favorite line in the show is "suoicodilaipxecitsiligarfilacrepus" because I always like the ring of crepus in the end and it sounds realllllly long!
    I don't find anything hard about breathing lessons i'm used to it.
    I already saw the answer

    1. Who is this??? I LOVE that you hear "the ring of the crepus"! :0D
      And I'm glad that the exercises are feeling normal to you.

  22. This is Colton.
    1: My favorite lyric is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
    2. What I find most weird is when your stomach expands from breathing
    3. I'd ask whether he is named Smith, or is his leg named Smith?

    1. Hi, Colton! It is a weird feeling at first, I agree. But abdomen is expanding when you breath in, you're doing it right! Keep it up and it'll be old hat.

  23. My favorite line in the show is when Michael says, "Some game. I'd rather eat spinach." I don't think anything is hard or weird about the breathing lessons. If somebody told me "I know a man with a wooden leg named Smith," I would say "Okaaaaaaay?"

  24. Michael has some great lines, doesn't he?? Laurel, have you read the original Mary Poppins books? I know they're very different from the movies, but I wonder if any of that humor comes from the books. And, speaking of humor, I think that's the funniest answer to the question :0D

  25. From Siena:

    These are her answers to the three questions:
    1. "If you reach for the heavens you get the staaaars thrown iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin!!!!!!!!!!"
    2. How you can feel your back INFLATE! (it's weird)
    3. Well what's the name of his other leg?

  26. Sienna, do you like the meaning of these lyrics or do you like the joy of singing them?
    It IS weird at first when your back inflates, but I'm glad it's happening ;0)

  27. An unnamed person commented-
    I like the part when Northbrook talks to George.
    The lessons were pretty easy.
    That joke is a classic from Mary Poppins.The answer is "what's the name of his other leg".

  28. Hello unnamed person! Thanks for chiming in!
    I love that scene. What do you like about it?
    You got it on the nose about the joke! Classic Mary Poppins!!

  29. 1. What is your favorite lyric in the show and why?

    My favorite lyric in the show is " Some minor improvements may not go amiss ". I love this lyric because it tells actors that there will always be some things to fix in order to be " Practically Perfect". Whether big or small problems should be fixed and I think this is a good message.

    2. What do you find most difficult or weird about breathing lessons?

    I think the weirdest part is that making weird sounds helps you. It is important to loosen up before singing and I guess these exercises kind of prove that. Making these sounds is one of the weirdest things I do, but its proven to help me SINGπŸŽ™πŸŽ€πŸŽ€!

    3. If someone told you they knew a man with a wooden leg named Smith, what would the correct response be?

    From Eva-
    I know the answer to the question is " What is the name of his other leg" but if you were a no nonsense person you may say " Is it the leg or the person named Sam?". I think that is also a practical answer, but seriously this question should be on the GATE test!

  30. The entire previous post is from Eva L.
    Good to hear from you Eva!
    What a wonderful thought about that lyric. It gives me the feeling that we're always striving to improve, but without undue stress or strain.
    And I like your idea for the joke. πŸ‘
    All our Master Class kids are gifted and talented in my eyes!
