
Sunday, March 29, 2020

Costume Design Gallery

These are just about the greatest thing I've ever seen!
Thank you!!

Jade as Von Hussler

Jade as Jade 😇

Anri as George Banks
- Nice topper, Georgie!

Antonia's design for Michael 
- She researched clothing of the era!

Sadie as a Bank Clerk 
- Say old chap, you simply take the egg!

with her fabulous

Seri Jane as a Chimney Sweep
- Check out that sooty face!!

Charlotte as a Chimney Sweep 
- this bloke is ready to take a huge step in time! ❤️

Juliet as Mary Poppins
- Look at her face, she loves those kids but they better mind their Ps and Qs!

Jaiden as Mrs. Brill
- The cookies are a great touch, as is the swiffer 😂😍

Sienna as a Chimney Sweep
- this is one cocky Cockney! (I'd be cocky too if I had such a fantastic vest!)

Kenley as Jane Banks
- That's a great "Jane" dress! I trust that you aren't wearing stockings?

Aram as Northbrook
Aram has perfectly captured his warmhearted, honest character.

Ava Eng as a Park Stroller
-this is fabulous, check out that bustle!

Eva as Winifred Banks
Eva says, "The votes sash shows Mrs. Banks desire for women's rights for voting from the movie. The tea kettle is for the scene in the play for when she is excited for the tea party."
Mrs. Gilbert says, "💖

Colton as Messenger
-Messages, pouch & bike. He's thought about his character's life outside of his scene.

Maximilian as a Bank Clerk
-There will be no swaying this banker, his suit is as stiff as his posture. ✔

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