
Monday, May 18, 2020

Dudes!! Today 5/18 & Tomorrow 5/19

Guys, I'm sorry! I emailed your families but didn't update the blog and classroom.

Here's the scoop-


Armadillos rehearsal- 2:30


Armadillos Performance- 2:30

Whale Performance- 3:15


The Big Ask

On Tuesday while we're recording, please help the kids to have a quiet space and the best internet connection possible. It should only take us about half an hour. See if the kids can close extra tabs on their computer and situate themselves near the wifi router or, even better, use an ethernet cable. You could possibly take an internet-free coffee break at this time. 

I totally, totally, totally understand that this is during your work (from home) day so, of course, you can only do what you can do. 

*I'll be recording these and figure out how to share them with you and the Keppel teachers.



-It's called "readers theatre" but you should not be reading, be very familiar with your script. Look at the camera most of the time.

-Remember, the audience has never heard this story before, strive to engage them.  

-Practice out loud.

-Don't let the energy go down at the end of sentences. 

-Use facial expressions. 

-Use gestures (hands, arms, shoulders, head) throughout. *Used at the start of a line, a gesture will draw the audience's attention to you.*

-Consider any exits/entrances that you might make and mark them in your script

-Consider any activities your character may be engaged in and mark them in your script (a few examples: swimming, searching, hiding, curling up, rolling around in circles, waving "hello", waving your arm graciously as if it were your tail, opening your mouth to eat, or yawn, or hiccough, or spit out a human). 

-Characters- communicate with the other characters. Listen to them. Talk to them.

-Narrators, color your verbs and adjectives.


Get Technical

-Have a clear, short path from your mouth to your microphone  

-Please put together a found-items, character-appropriate costume   

-Gather any props that you want to use. (you must particularly remember the suspenders, Best Beloved)

-Decide if you are going to use a story-appropriate virtual background or an "actual" background that is either plain and uncluttered or decorated in a simple way that will add to the story. (Ex: a house plant for Armadillos. a blue sheet for Whale)

You all (actors and actors' families) ROCK!

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