
Friday, March 20, 2020

Answer the questions from the last post,
I changed the settings.


  1. From Jaiden-
    1. My favorite lyric in the show is the last line of Winds do Change 'The warmth has gone, they struggle on, and now six weeks have passed' because the harmonies work really well and it's a strong timeskip to progress the plot.
    2. What I find the most difficult in the breathing lessons is to remember them as we preform. I always forget to do them as I perform, but I've been practicing and I'm able to do it now.
    3. The answer is "What's the name of his other leg?" (Uncle Albert) :D

  2. Somie Chung- My favorite lyric in the show is when Michael doesn’t believe in the measuring tape that Mary Poppins is holding in Practically Perfect because his expression when she was correct, was like “oh.. she’s actually correct..” and pushes Jane for her measurement. For the breathing lessons, I noticed that when I breath in with my mouth, my tummy goes in and if I breath in with my nose, it goes out which is very weird. For #3 I would answer, “is the person smith or the leg?”
