~ the general or total effect of something made up of individual parts
~ all the parts of a thing taken together, especially when all the parts are in harmony
~ undividedness, unity, cooperativity
*our entire cast is an ensemble
2. Ugh-A-Wug for home rehearsal
3. Rehearsal Schedule this Tuesday 2/19, 2:30-5:00 full cast
2:45 3:45
with Ms. Atchelli
Neverland & Finale
Full Cast
with Ms. Atchelli
Distant Melody
Wendy, Peter, Twin #1
with Ms. Linda or Ms. Gilbert
everyone else, TBA (to be announced)
4. Rehearsal Schedule this THURSDAY 2/21, 2:30-5:00
Mother, Father, Nana, Wendy, John, Michael, Lost Boys
2:45- 3:45
with Mrs. Gilbert
scene 7
Mother, Father, Nana, Wendy, John, Michael, Lost Boys
💢 Lost Boys released at 3:45
with Mrs. Gilbert
scene 2 part 1
Mother, Father, Nana, Wendy, John, Michael
4. Rehearsal Notes-
Wendy p 11- Remember, 2 beats when waking up; first is shock, second is concern for him.
Peter p 11/12- At which EXACT point do you remember to be brave and stop being startled that there's someone else there?
Peter p 12- "Don't have a mother." make a quick transition to "I can't get my shadow to stick on." You can be thinking that mother's aren't important, but here's what is - my shadow!! Or you can want to change the subject quickly because you don't want to talk about mothers.
Peter p 14- Fairies are important to you. What does Peter think would happen if all of the fairies died?
Wendy p 15- Think about all the questions that she asks him and how she follows him from place to place around the room. He's wonderful and magic and adventure and the unknown, not normal-everyday, hum-drum life. She becomes more and more fascinated by him. And then he tries to leave her!!!!!! No way can she let that happen!
Hook p 27- "Aye and the first scream would bring Tiger Lily's Brave Girls upon us!" We need to understand every word. Technically this is important because this is the first time that the audience hears of these characters. As an actor you can justify taking time with this by thinking of the words "Tiger Lily's Brave Girls" as words that will scare the pirates. You like to scare the pirates.
Pirates p 27- this is a cringe emoji 😬 The definition of cringe is, "to shrink, bend, or crouch, especially in fear or servility; cower."
Eleanor p 27- I have an idea on your fearful jump. Remind me.
Pirates p 27- Keep your searching slow and low key, keeping the stage alive but not stealing focus.
Hook & Smee p 27- I really liked the connection and intensity that you two had around the croc story.
Smee p 27- Maybe the cross downstage on "Yet, I have oft..." is motivated by wanting to put some space between the two of you as you are about to disagree with him.
Hook p 28 - I liked the time that you kind of skipped upstage, waving your arms above you on the "tick, tock.." line.
Pirates p 29- I prompted you all to look at Hook when he says, "Listen!", but you can't all look, sorry. Only the couple of pirates closest to Hook can look at that point. the rest of you need to keep searching 'til Smee whistles.
Hook p 32- I have an idea for your faint. Remind me.
Smee p 32- Why are you the last to leave? Do you trip and fall down, drop your whistle, freeze in terror?
Pirates p 79 - I liked the way that you were handling this; looking out to sea (the house) and imagining yourselves the happy children ,safe in their beds with chocolate on their cheeks. When Hook compares them to the kids tied up below deck - get mad! You don't have safe, warm beds and mothers to go home to like Wendy and the others do.
Hook p 79- What would you think of brushing that "crumb housed insecurely" off of Smee's cheek? Or maybe catching it on your finger and eating it? (I mean pretending this, of course!)
Fairy Dust Awards
Hailey and Elijah - lots of dedicated work, lots of team work
Lilit Vartanyan - focus, commitment and patience
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