
Monday, December 10, 2018

Peter Pan, Jr. Complete Cast List

Peter Pan Jr. Cast List                 
Mr. Darling:     
Tiger Lily:
Small Brave Girl:     
Henry Gunnel
Elijah Soto
Hailey Gibson
Eva Lyudmirsky
Emme Wathen
Chloe Stooksbury
Garik Shaljyan
Samantha Tordilla
Cecylia Yang
Candela Roman
Shabazz Anderson
Christa Pobre (including the line “Brave Girl #2” on p.36)

Lost Boys
Twin #1:
Twin #2:  


Ashima Gade
Juliet Hubbard
Kristy Tarbinian & Kaitlyn Knapp  
Sebastian Francis-Oliver
Elina Grigoryan (this role will include a featured song)
Sarah Rached

Matilda King
Edil Edilyan
Evelyn Bloyer
Sophia Hernandez & Natalee Robles

Brave Girls
Zoe Jahng (Brave Girl #1)
Candela Roman
Lilit Yengibaryan
Kuvira Kapoor
Sophia Sejismundo
Aimee Ross
Chloe Jung
Daphne Harbaugh
Samantha Oliver
Amber Romano
Irene Seo

Lost Boys, Ensemble
Antonia Acitelli
Leona Khachatourian
Kenley Schlichter
Hana de Vitton
Kyle Bacalso
Charlotte Conn
Seri Kim
Lily Abramson
Jaiden Maraya

Pirates, Ensemble
Garik Shaljyan
Samantha Tordilla
Cecylia Yang
Tani-Jade Tak
Nicole Eom
Jaelynn Romano
Alexandra Rose
Eleanor Travis


“You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” - Maya Angelou

Related image

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Peter Pan Cast List

Thank you all!! 
Mrs. Neel, Mrs. Acitelli, Ms. Linda and I are so excited to have each one of you!
We'll see you all with your scripts for the read through on Tuesday.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Updated Info Regarding Callbacks

                      ↑ Read this ↑           
                                        ↓ and this 
If you were called back for one of these parts, you may want to look at the accompanying song on your CD:

Wendy, Mrs Darling, John & Michael- Tender Shepherd
Tiger Lily- Ugh-A-Wug
Peter- I'm Flying
Hook- Hook's Waltz

~If an actor is listed on the callback sheet, they need to attnd callbacks this Friday from 2:45-5:00

~Not being calledback simply means that we currently have no unanswered questions about these performers. We don't need to call them back in order to see something else from them. We want each one of them!! Everyone will be cast.

~The Cast List will be posted on this blog on Saturday, December 8th.

~On Tuesday December, 11th we will have our first read-thru for the entire cast.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018


Here is the 
Peter Pan Callback List 
and some information for callbacks

~If an actor is listed on the callback sheet, they need to attend callbacks this Friday from 2:45-5:00

~If an actor is called back they should bring their script on Friday.

~If an actor is NOT listed on the callback sheet, it is up to you whether or not they attend callbacks this Friday 2:45-5:00. (They are welcome to attend and watch, but are not required to. Frankly, it will most likely be boring after a few minutes.) Not being calledback simply means that we currently have no unanswered questions about these performers. We don't need to call them back in order to see something else from them. We want each one of them!! Everyone will be cast.

~The Cast List will be posted on this blog on Saturday, December 8th.

~On Tuesday December, 11th we will have our first read-thru for the entire cast.

💙 Congrats to all on your amazing auditions!